Acropolis T-shirts x Julius slam dunk x 2009
Est. Los Angeles, California MMVII
Acropolis is a lifestyle clothing company fusing classic image and thought with modern culture to create meaningful concepts. Whether a reference to science, sports, hip-hop or war each design aims to be visually intriguing and thought provoking. We support all individuals who help to improve the world and leave their mark.
The name Acropolis is a metaphor for greatness and a reflection of the splendor, power and wealth of an advanced society. The Acropolis was the birthplace of democracy, helping lead to the free thinking and individualism we enjoy in the world today. At Acropolis, we are dedicated to consistently providing fresh styles with imaginative ideas. As a company and as individuals, we will always seek to raise our game in order to continually bring you quality clothing with substance.
Julius Erving is among the most spectacular players ever and one of the best dunkers to ever lace 'em up. Julius Caesar was one of the most influential men of classical antiquity, playing a critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. While men of entirely separate civilizations, both Julius' were highly influential, respected and possessed a unique flare for the dramatic.